Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Knoledge vs Money

Knowledge is everything. Let me give you an example.
If my mother asks me to give my cousin an ice cream from my own money and I give it to him, my money will decrease, but if I learn something and my mother asks me to teach that to my cousin and I do, my knowledge will never decrease, it will always increase.      

Thursday, May 8, 2014

The seminar

Hi,today I am going to tell you about the seminar. On Saturday 12th April we had a seminar in the homeopathic collage's auditorium. It was arranged by ERDC where my mother works. My mother was the moderator of the panel discussion. The panelists were Mr.Salman Asif, Dr.Abid, Dr.Hina Kazmi, Dr.Wahab Suri, Dr.Asma Ibrahim & Ms.Zubaida Mustafa. My sisters & I were volunteers. Our Friends were volunteers too. I liked the panel discussion best. The school presentations were boring. There were total 500 people if we don't count the volunteers. All seats were full & we had to stand at the back. It went very successful & we had a lot of fun  over there.